
Hello everyone, pretty soon you'll start to see ads on a couple of the pages of this site. These ads will only show on the "All Games" page and the "Flash Games" page. The Retro Games page won't run ads for legal reasons. There won't be any ads while you're playing your games because I know how annoying that is, if a game does have ads, it wasn't me who put them there it was the developer of the game. With the addition of ads I will be able to work on this site much more often as it will be worth my time. This means more games, quicker responses to suggestions and quicker updates to games. Thank you to everyone who will continue to use my site, I know how annoying ads can be, but just realise this benefits both you and I. Thank you and goodbye.

-The Owner of games-site, 13/01/2023

Hello users of my site. I've got a new update about the future of my site. First off, in my first update I said that I didn't know how to add a search bar to my site but now I've finally found a good tutorial and my new search bar works! There's now search bars on all the games pages, they're located just beneath the sorting buttons. Secondly, I've added 2 of the most requested games. The #1 most requested game was / fortnite with it having 21 total requests (16 for and 5 for Fortnite), Since it is nearly impossible to add fortnite I've just clumped in with fortnite. Then I also added the #3 most requested game which was Minecraft with 5 people suggesting it. It's of course illegal and near impossible to add current Minecraft to my site so I just added Minecraft Classic. The #2 most requested game was easily Roblox with 18 people qrequesting it but I have no idea how I would even be able to do that but apparently some other games sites have it. I've ran analytics for a week so far and it has shown that I that I get a lot of users per week and if I'm gonna continue updating this site for the thousands of you out there it needs to be something worth doing and adding ads is my way of giving you guys the best possible games site which only comes at the cost of the slight inconvenience that is ads. Thank you for everyone who continues to use my site and support me I really appreciate it.

-The Owner of games-site, 11/01/2023

Hello, sorry for going entirely dark for the past few months, my school banned this site so I stopped working on it, I had no idea that this site blew up. I initially made this website just as a little fun for me and my friends when we get bored in class but now I see that so many people have started using it too. Today I looked up my site and went to check the feedback and I had 172 suggesitons! Weirdly they started coming in the same month I stopped work on this site. Judging by these replies there is a lot of work that could be done on this site which I will now start updating. To make this site worth my time I may put up ads but only on the main pages so that I don't disrupt any gaming. According to some of the feedback, there's apparently another games website called "gamesforsite" which I have never heard of and apparently they said my site is lame, it was never meant to be anything big just some fun for me and my friends. I'm also thinking of starting a discord server to make things easier and so I can connect with you guys but I don't actually know how many active users I get so I am setting up analytics to check that before I go any further. And lastly I would just like to thank everyone who uses this site even if I didn't know they existed! As for everyone who gave feedback, I will try my best to implement all of it but I don't make any promises as of now.

-The Owner of games-site, 4/01/2023

also to everyone who asks about a search bar, I have no idea how to add one so just use ctrl+f for now, I suprisingly don't know much HTML

oh and also no, I cannot add roblox.